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CKCA by Sandra Wood
CMP, Executive Director, CKCA
A member recently contacted me to ask if we had a comprehensive list of jobs in the kitchen cabinet industry. I had to admit that we didn’t. But what a great idea and valuable tool to help promote the industry.  In response, we reached out to a few members and pulled a list together which you can access through the careers section of our website. This member plans to use the list as they work with local home building associations who are also trying to promote the building trades. You’re welcome to use it too!
In conversation with another member who recently expanded and was looking for some additional work, we managed to connect them with a couple of other manufacturers who were trying to outsource some of their work. The result was a win-win.
Another member was asking about the lead times for kitchens and wondered how everyone else was doing with delivery of finished product. We ran a quick survey and polled the industry to see how everyone else was tracking to create some benchmarking data. Not only did the data offer insights for the member asking, the data also offered value for everyone else wondering the same thing because companies are falling behind and some are trying to figure out what the new normal might be.
Earlier in the summer, we released a press release in response to another member’s concern about how clients’ expectations were creating some challenges and they needed our support to help validate the claims our industry had been making about why delivery is taking longer and why contracts have to be revised. With the perfect storm circling the industry comprised of supply chain issues, price increases, ongoing labour challenges and a surge in demand from consumers and builders, expectations need tempering. The press release was designed as a tool to support the industry in saying “please be patient, our industry is doing the best it can and many things are beyond our control”.
When you run an association you hear the perspectives of many people in this industry and the challenges they face. New members join CKCA because they want to connect with others in the industry, they might be expanding, buying some equipment, looking for benchmarking data, have a new product or service or just want to talk to other manufacturers.  It’s a wide range of things
and we are always looking
at how we can help and support our members.
The bottom line is CKCA is your industry tool, but it’s up to members to speak up and share their stories, their challenges, their wins and losses. Associations are all about being responsive and meeting the needs of their members.
Here’s a couple of great examples by two other industry associations that we have partnered with who are also doing great work to help their members because their members (and their partners!) are speaking up.  
CFIB (Canadian Federation of Independent Business) lobbied the Federal Government on the initial proposed subsidies for small business when Covid-19 first hit. CFIB argued that the proposed amounts would in no way be of much help to businesses being told to close their doors due to lockdown. The Government listened and increased those subsidies. If they hadn’t done that you wonder how many more businesses would not have survived. After lobbying government for almost 10 years, CFIB finally won their fight for fairer tax treatment of small businesses, making it easier to transfer business to other family members
(Bill C-208).  
Our other partner, CME (Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters) are lobbying for more workers in the manufacturing sector. They’re asking government to stimulate investment in innovation and advanced technologies, they want an industrial net-zero strategy. CME is asking government to work with manufacturers to implement an effective and comprehensive industrial strategy for Canada.
Whether you’re looking for industry data, a new connection with another manufacturer, need us to push something out publicly or want us to speak up on your behalf, we are your national trade association tool and we are here to help. So be sure to use us!
Reach out to us at or 613-493-5858.

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